To the Veterans


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  • Dear.


    Thank you for the sacrifice which protected the freedom of this land. We are now able to live in this free and peaceful country thanks to you. Your mentality and courage has made us peacuful days of living. I will not forget your sacrifice, and thank you for everything you did for us. 

  • Dear.

    에티오피아 강뉴부대 참전용사분들께

    Dear my eternal hero


    Hello? I am a 15 year old middle school student living in Seoul, Korea. In the special year, the 70th anniversary of the Korean War, I have thought what I could do as a student. I have decided to write a letter to the veterans of the Korean War in order to express my deepest gratitude for their lofty sacrifices to protect the freedom and literal democracy of this land. I hope this letter deliver that we have been still remembering your noble sacrifices for 70 years since the War.

    I have searched documentaries and TV programs about UN Korean war veterans lately. One of the most impressive stories about 22 nations that participated in the War, was that of Ethiopia’s ‘Kangnew unit’. I came to know Ethiopia had suffered from many foreign invasions just like the Republic of Korea. I also realized it had a similar history of aggressive wars.

    Haile Selassie I, the Ethiopian emperor who was well aware of the pain of losing the country, said, "If there is a country which has been wrongfully invaded, we must help." And he sent the Royal Guard to help a small country called the Republic of Korea, which was in the same situation as they have been in the past. Also, what heated my heart more than anything else was that the Kangnew unit had been formed from volunteers of the First Lieutenant Division of the Royal Guard. I don't think it was easy to make such a decision to fight in a war like hell where a lot of bullets and bombs flew through.

    How did you make such a decision which might never let you see beloved family and friends again? I believe you made the decision in the hope that the pain you had suffered would never be repeated again, and in the desire for peace. Writhing in the agony of bitter cold never experienced in Ethiopia and losing their fingers and toes, the Kangnew unit became legendary with the record of 253 wins and no defeats, constituting the whole with their strong will and spirit that were very touching to me. Especially when I watched the documentary about the Kangnew unit, I could see the strongest heroes in their steadiest eyes despite the physical pains of diseases and scars from the Korean War. Besides, the interview of one of the Kangnew unit members, "I have never regretted participating in the Korean War in my life." was like a great scene of a movie for me.

    In particular, the fact that you collected some of your salary and founded the orphanage called 'Bohwa Nursery' to take care of war orphans until 1956, warmed my heart a lot. The children would have gotten dreams and should have progressed toward the world and the dreams. It was very inspirational that you protected Korea’s future dreams and hopes and that all your benevolence was from the bottom of your hearts.

    Now hereafter 70 years, how are you and other UN Korean war veterans remembered? The liberal democracy you have built up has made us live happy lives in a peaceful and liberal society. I like to play games and move around riding a bike freely. I believe the freedom under which I can do anything I want and I can express my opinions without any restrictions was definitely owing to the lofty sacrifices of UN veterans.

    One Kangnew unit veteran said "I've lived my entire life with the pride in having fought for the freedom of Korea." Your warm hearts that fought for the freedom have brought peace to Korea, and your pride has become the freedom of Korea.

    The UN veteran's documentary taught me that the freedom I am enjoying has been gotten through big cost and that their sacrifices were more valuable than anything else. Therefore, I will keep in mind that Korea’s liberal democracy is the fruit of your love for peace and will not forget the Ethiopian Kangnew unit and UN Korean war veterans so as to make another 70 years of liberal democracy.


    Yours sincerely,

    Do Yoon Lee

  • Dear.


    (The writier is 10 years old haha)

    I had a potato bread as my school lunch! Apparently, this menu was also served to the korean war veterans during the war. It wasn't really tasty, honestly. But, I would like to say ‘thank you’ for fighting in the war eating this. 

    Thank you for al the veterans who fought in the war for my country!

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